Acting as Team Coordinator
Specialist Training Exercise 8

Acting as Team Coordinator

Because Tom is now acting as his team’s coordinator, he sees request #704660 again. This is the request he declined in Exercise 5, because he does not know anything about the Time Off Request service. Fortunately, Tom’s colleagues Grace Weller and Thomas Wicker know all about it. To figure out who to assign the request to, you decide to look at the current workload of Grace and Thomas. You can do this by switching from the “My Inbox” view to the “My Team’s Inbox” view using the buttons above the view.

You can check the workload of the team members for workflows and projects via the Resource Planning view. Go to the Actions Menu in the top header bar (gear icon) and select Resouce Planning. In the header bar of the resource planning select the 'Resource Planing for Team..' and select the Application Development team.     

Having checked their workload, you read the information in request #704660 again and realize that it is asking for an application change. Such RFCs need to be coordinated by the Workflow Management process.

Forward button

Find the workflow manager for the Time Off Request service. Assign request #70466 to this person using the Forward button in the toolbar.


Click on the service instance that is related to the request to open its preview. The preview shows that the service instance is linked to the Time Off Request service. Click on this service to open its preview. In the preview, click on the name to open the Time Off Request service in a separate browser tab. In the Responsibilities section of this Service record, Grace Weller is listed as the service’s workflow manager.

The following video provides an overview of the exercise:

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