Grouping a Request
Specialist Training Exercise 16

Grouping a Request

Let’s return to the Inbox console and take a look at request #704670. The first thing you notice is that it has not yet been assigned to a specific member of the Application Development team. The next thing you realize is that this request concerns the same incident you accepted in Exercise 4, i.e. request #704570.

Open request #704670 in Edit mode. The Service Hierarchy Browser (SHB) opens automatically to the right of a request when it is placed in Edit mode. You will see that the Expense Reporting Production service instance is already selected at the top of the SHB. You will also see that there are currently a few open incidents for this service instance, including request #704570.

To open a selected record in Edit mode, press the Edit  toolbar button. Alternatively, you can also place a selected record in Edit mode by pressing the Enter key.

Once in Edit mode, the Edit  button becomes the Save  button. To switch back to View mode, simply press the Save  button. If you made any changes to the record, they will be saved.

Request group

You decide to group request #704570 and #704670 together so that you do not need to update them separately. Do this by clicking on the Group button that becomes available when you move your mouse cursor over request #704570 in the SHB. Click on the Save button after you have grouped the requests.


It was grouped into a new request. This new request is a ‘request group’. Request #704570 was also grouped into it. In addition, request #704670 was removed from the “My Inbox” view.

Request #704570 was also removed from the inbox and replaced by the request group. Click on the request group to open it in View mode. Next, open the Grouped Requests section of this request group. There you will find request #704570. So, by grouping requests #704570 and #704670, Tom has made sure that he sees only the request group in his inbox. When he updates the request group, the updates are automatically passed on to requests #704570 and #704670.

Yes, it was automatically changed in both requests from “Low – Service Degraded for One User” to “High – Service Degraded for Several Users” when they were grouped. 4me did this because it understood that more than one user was affected by the same incident.

The following video provides an overview of the exercise:

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