Submitting a Request
Specialist Training Exercise 10

Submitting a Request

It is time to move from the Inbox console to the Service Desk console. Specialists can use the Service Desk console to submit requests. This is especially useful when you need support from a team that provides a service that your service relies on.

Let’s say that Tom has been working on a new version of the Expense Reporting application. He would like to perform some specific tests in the test environment to ensure that the new version performs properly with a large amount of data. To do this, he wants to get the most recent off-line backup of the Expense Reporting production database restored in the Expense Reporting test database instance.

Service desk console

Go ahead and switch to the Service Desk console. This is the second icon from the left in the toolbar. In the Service Desk console, there are several ways to register your request.

One quick way is to use the list of services. Click on the “Database” service to select it. Because Tom is a member of the Application Development team, he is covered for multiple database instances. Click on the “Database for Expense Reporting Test” service instance, as this is the instance in which Tom wants a copy of the production data to be made available. Next, select the request template “Restore of database from off-line backup”. After this template has been selected, a new request is opened with most of the information already filled out.

The list of request templates is sorted to ensure that the template that has been used the most is presented at the top of the list.

Some instructions are now provided at the top of the request to help you make sure that the Operations team gets all the information it needs. Follow these instructions and save the request to submit it.

You can click on the 'Link Configuration Items...' hyperlink in the request to relate configuration items to the request.

Alternatively, you can drag configuration items (CIs) from the Service Hierarchy Browser (SHB) onto to request. The SHB is the vertical bar that is available on the very right of your browser window. It lists the configuration items of the selected service instance. Once you have dragged a CI from the SHB onto the request, it is added to the Configuration items field.


When Tom goes to the Service Desk console, he will see his requests in the bottom section on the left side of the screen. He can click on one of his requests to review its details.

The following video provides an overview of the exercise:

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