Adding a Task Template
Change Manager Training Exercise 14

Adding a Task Template

To define reusable Workflows you need to create workflow templates. The building block of a workflow template is a task template. Once you have finished the design of your workflow, you will first create all the task templates and in the next step add these task templates to the workflow template. In the following exercises you will redesign an existing change workflow.

To improve efficiency, Barney decides to combine the first four task templates of the “Windows server hardware upgrade” workflow template into a single task template. These tasks will always be completed by the change manager, so there is no real need to have 4 separate tasks for this.

Go to the Records console and add a new task template. You can call this task template:  Perform risk & impact analysis and finalize plan

Combine the instructions of the four risk & impact analysis task templates that this new task template will replace as follows:

Answer the following questions and enter the answers in the Note field:
1. Will the hardware upgrade cause the affected service instance(s) to become degraded or unavailable?
2. When would be the best time to implement the change, considering the service hours, whether or not the service will be degraded or even unavailable, availability of people, etc.?
3. Will events be generated when the change is implemented? If so, the operators will need to be notified.
Use the answers to these questions to finalize the change plan. Do this in such a way that the implementation plan minimizes both the risk of failure and the impact on the customer(s).

Once you have filled out the necessary fields, save the new task template.


Yes, that ensures that the Copy note to workflow box is checked once a task that is based on this template has been assigned. That way the person who answers the questions will not forget to check this box.

Copying information to the workflow can be useful for specialists who will complete other tasks of the workflow. It can also be helpful for approvers. Approvers will see the notes of a workflow in the PDF file that gets attached to their approval tasks.

Next Exercise