Performing a Request Review
Problem managers periodically check the requests that have been solved for their service(s) to see if there are any that could recur if their root cause is not removed. Typically, problems are registered only for significant requests after they have been completed without removing their root cause. A request can be considered ‘significant’ in the context of Problem Management when:
- its impact level was “Top – Service Down for Several Users”,
- there have been multiple occurrences, and/or
- it is expected to recur.
The “Requests for Problem Identification” view is available in the Records console to help problem managers perform their periodic request reviews. If you have the Problem Manager role within Xurrent, you can access this view and it will show you all requests:
- that are related to an instance of a service for which you are the problem manager,
- that have a status of “Completed”, and
- which Reviewed box is not checked.
This may sound as if this view will contain a lot of requests, but that is not the case thanks to the Reviewed box. This box is automatically checked when:
- the completion reason is “Solved – Review Not Required” and the impact is different from “Top – Service Down for Several Users”, or
- the request is already linked to a problem or change workflow.
In addition, you will see during this training that you are able to manually check the Reviewed box to ensure that a request is removed from the “Requests for Problem Identification” view. All this means that if you regularly (e.g. once a week) perform a request review, you should be able to keep the list of requests limited to a manageable number.
Go to the Records console, click on the “Requests” option and select the “Requests for Problem Identification” view. You should see a list of 10 requests. Familiarize yourself with each of these requests by reading through their details.
To which services are these requests related?
The requests are all related to a service instance of one of these services:
- Expense Reporting
- Time Off Request
If you open these service records, you will see that Thomas Wicker is selected in the Problem Manager field of the Responsibilities section. Thomas would not see any requests in the “Requests for Problem Identification” view if he was not linked to a service as its problem manager, even though his Person record has the Problem Manager role.