Registering a License Certificate
Configuration Manager Training Exercise 13

Registering a License Certificate

Your next job is to register the license certificate. Following its registration you will place it, along with the DVD of the software, in the software safe that is located in room 316.

Because the software license certificate was included in the purchase of the interactive whiteboard its Asset ID is the same as for the interactive whiteboard. The serial number of the license certificate is 000062917.

Asset ID: A00004846595
Serial Number: 000062917
In use since: Today
Warranty expiry date: Today + 12 months

Use the Add License Certificate" button on the SMART Notebook software product to register the license certificate for the SMART Notebook software. Reread Exercise 9 if you are unsure about which option to select in the License type field.


The license type is ‘Installed User License’

Software license certificates can be used on different computers. As long as an organization owns sufficient licenses for a specific software product, it does not matter on which computer the software is installed. Both the software license certificates, as well as the software versions that these licenses cover, are linked to the same software product. The product is used to find out which software versions are used within the organization, where they are used (e.g. on how many PCs they are installed) and how many licenses the organization has for the software product.

Relate the three new CIs that you registered, as well as CMP00116, to task #6374. After you have established these relations, you can complete this task.

Because task #6374 is the final task of the workflow, its completion causes the workflow to be completed, as well as the request that is linked to it. This, in turn, causes an email notification to be sent to the requester, James Ballance, to ensure that he knows that the first training can be provided in Widget’s new training center.

Now that the workflow has been implemented and the configuration management information is up to date again, open CMP00116 and go to its History section. There you will see the importance of linking CIs to tasks and other assignments, because those links produce a chronological view (most recent assignements on top) of each CI’s history.
