Registering a Planned Change
Change Manager Training Exercise 4

Registering a Planned Change

In Barney’s inbox, you will see request #704700, as well as problem #208. Both are requesting additional memory for the Sales Tracking production servers, so you decide to open a new change and to relate the two assignments to it.

Go to the records console and select Workflows. Click on the + sign in the top header bar to create a new change workflow. Select the “Windows server hardware upgrade” workflow template.

Specify in the Note field of this change that:

The objective of this change is to add 32GB internal memory to each of the two servers that make up the Sales Tracking production server cluster. These two servers are CMP00007 and CMP00069. A total of 64GB was recently recovered from CMP00006, so we have the necessary memory in stock.

The workflow template has a section Relations. Open the section and relate request #704700 and problem #208 to this change workflow.

Now you can save the change workflow. Next, open its Gantt chart and ensure that all tasks of the workflow are assigned to the right person. There are only 2 tasks that still need to be assigned to someone. Update these tasks as follows:


When the Team field of a task is set or updated, 4me recalculates the task’s completion target using the work hours of the team. Teams typically work fewer hours than the 24×7 calendar that is applied when the assignment team is not yet known.

Start button

Now that all tasks have been assigned, and all required fields have been filled out, click on the subject of the change workflow in the upper left corner of the Gantt chart to return to the workflow form. Press the Start button in the toolbar to start the workflow.

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