REST API - Get the 'me' Object
Integrations REST API Training REST API

REST API - Get the 'me' Object

In this first exercise you will query the /me resource or object. The 4me REST API provides the /me endpoint to get information for the currently authenticated person. Check the 4me Developer Site for all details.


You need to add the me record type with access ‘All’ to the scope of the personal access token of Howard Tanner.

This is the CURL command:

curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer <personal-token>" -H "X-4me-account: widget" -X GET ""

Note that the Person record of Howard Tanner is stored in the ‘Widget International’ account. The ID of this account is ‘widget’. In the user interface, you can find the Account ID of a 4me account in the Account Overview section of the Settings console.

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