Import Service Instances
Account Setup Guide Step 3

Import Service Instances

With the services imported, it is time to load the service instances. These are the specific environments that provide the functionality of a service. Many services, for example, have a development, test and production environment. Or your organization may have separate email servers, each used by a different group of users. For now we are only going to make sure that 1 instance exists for each service that you imported. That will make it possible to register requests for these service instances.

To create one instance for each service, start by downloading the service instances import file to your PC.

Next, open the import file and specify the team that is responsible for each service instance in the Support Team column. These will be same teams that you selected as the support team for each service. You do not need to specify a support team for service instances of a service that you deleted in the previous step.

After you have saved the import file you can import the service instances as follows:

  1. Within 4me, click on the Records console toolbar icon.
  2. Select the “Service Instances” option from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the Actions toolbar button.
  4. Select the option “Import…” option.
  5. Click on the Choose File… button.
  6. Select the service instances import file.
  7. Click on the Import button to start the import.

A service instance will not be created for the services that you deleted in the previous step. The Import Log in the Settings console will show an error for each service that you deleted, which is correct.

Again, do not rename any of the service instances yet. It is best to do that after you have completed all the imports!

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